Torqueing Power Solutions (TPS) is a Global Technology provider of Tools and Solutions to the Upstream & Downstream, Oil & Gas Industry, Petrochemical plants, Industrial Plants, Manufacturer, and Contracting Co. TPS provides comprehensive line of Mechanical, Electrical, Test & Measurement, Instrumentation, PPE etc.
Our Services Division Includes Hydraulic Bolt Torqueing & Tensioning with ECITB & API Certified Technicians, Flange Facing, Cold Cutting and Beveling, Leak Sealing, Hot Tapping, Pressure Test Plugs, Retubing, Refurbishment, Chemical Cleaning of Heat Exchangers, Metal Fabrication etc.
TPS strives to provide their customers with services that are superior and uncomparable, our track record as a reliable Service provider & distributor has given us an edge over the other Competitors.